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Prebiotics are a source of food for probiotics, which are healthy bacteria in the gut.

They help probiotics to grow naturally, thereby supporting the diversity of helpful bacteria within the small intestine.

Adequate microbiome support is essential for enhancing the breakdown of fermentable short-chain carbohydrates.

Because such carbohydrates are prone to absorbing water in the small intestine, which can lead to constipation.

But fermentable short-chain carbohydrates can also cause bad bacterial overgrowth, usually referred to as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (or SIBO), which doesn’t include the probiotic bacteria.

Prebiotics selectively support friendly bacteria, which is why it is important in keeping a healthy balance that can prevent SIBO.

This also explains why fermentable short-chain carbohydrates, also called FODMAPs (or fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) can dramatically worsen digestive symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), through constipation, bloating, flatulence, overflow diarrhea, SIBO-associated diarrhea, and related dehydration.

Start with a product that helps you feed healthy bacteria!

The poor digestion of fermentable short-chain carbohydrates can result in worsening digestive discomfort.

The same can result from having an impaired metabolism in general.

Focusing on the metabolism is crucial.

A more successful intervention through dietary and health supplementation is possible by boosting the metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates while supporting a digestive detox and overcoming short-term constipation.

Better metabolism, alongside relief from constipation and bloating, can help overcome fatigue, support nutrient biotransformation, and re-energize and re-invigorate your life. Exercise is vital for physical and mental health, and the latter is unfortunately not always emphasized enough.

Having the support you deserve, to properly digest nutrients and overcome bloating and blockages, is essential to maintaining health and fitness.

Join the movement to trim and triumph today!

Regularly detoxing not only benefits the liver and bowels, but yields numerous full-body benefits to hair, skin, nails, muscle groups, energy levels, your mental, physical, and emotional well-being, and so much more.

But there are also particularly important key benefits, such as reducing the risk of fecal impactions, hemorrhoids, and bowel incontinence.

As these things can lead to more severe complications, it’s vital to take liver function health support, bile production, IBS management, gastrointestinal pH, and inflammation seriously.

An often-overlooked benefit of detox is also to help people manage symptoms of IBS.

There are three subtypes of IBS based on bowel habits, which refers to a consistent set of symptoms associated with a specific subtype of IBS, namely: IBS with a bowel habit of constipation (or IBS-C), IBS with a bowel habit of diarrhea (or IBS-D), and finally IBS with mixed bowel habits (or IBS-M).

IBS-M is reported to be the most common type, with symptoms alternating between those of IBS-C and IBS-D.

As if the matter of IBS isn’t complicated enough, the presence of fecal impactions can result in a type of overflow diarrhea, also called paradoxical diarrhea, not to be confused with diarrhea related to the body attempting to get rid of viruses, harmful bacteria, or toxins.

As a result, overflow diarrhea can manifest and also make it possible for IBS-C to be misdiagnosed as IBS-D or IBS-M. With a better understanding of IBS, we can begin to manage it better.

Knowledge is powerful and simply understanding that diarrhea is the body attempting to get rid of something, whether a viral infection, a hydrogen-dominant, methane-dominant, or sulfide-dominant form of SIBO, a toxic waste build-up inside the digestive system or even in the case of overflow diarrhea due to fecal impaction, one can also emerge more educated about what may be causing the presentation of IBS symptoms.

With a product that helps you detox more effortlessly, you can have the energy and confidence you deserve to do more and finally overcome the obstacles standing between you and a healthier lifestyle.

Get ready to clear and cleanse!

Listen to the experts...

Why choose inoLax®? We pride ourselves in providing encouragement for people to achieve their wellness goals. But we also believe everyone should have affordable and more easily accessible opportunities to do so. Start your journey to better health, to debloat, digest, detox, and do more with inoLax®.

Did you know?​

  • Drinking enough clean water and consuming foods that provide adequate electrolytes will help increase blood oxygen levels.

  • Your blood oxygen should ideally be between 95% and 100%. If your blood oxygen is below 85% on a consistent or frequent basis, especially if your lips and nails are blue, you should consult your doctor at once, as you may have a healthcare emergency. 

  • The body’s blood supply circulates the brain once roughly every 7 minutes. You may want to exercise by doing 7-minute intervals of symmetrical supersets, and thereafter doing stretches and breathing exercises for another 7 minutes.

  • This helps to boost blood oxygen levels which become depleted from exercise for better performance, flexibility, fitness levels, and results in terms of body composition. 

  • Even if you only exercise for 28 to 56 minutes daily, you will notice significant improvements as opposed to doing no exercise at all. It is important not to over-exert yourself.

  • Often, needing to recover from excessive pain or injury can become more of a setback and is a source of discouragement. Being consistent is the key to seeing progress.

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